Basic Dog Training in Providence, RI

We know your dog can be brilliant

Your dog is a good dog… they just need training. We can help!

When you got your dog, you imagined going for walks around the neighborhood, enjoying off-leash time at the park, and taking them with you to visit friends and family. But right now, your dog is jumping up on people, dragging you down the street, and just not listening.

We can help! Instead of having “selective hearing” or only listening when you show them a treat, your dog will come when you call them, greet people without jumping up, and become a joy to be around!

The biggest difference between our two programs is the amount of time we’ll spend directly with you and your dog, and how soon we start working with each other.

Depending on the program you choose, based on your preferences, your dog will change faster as they learn to be well-behaved! 

Basic Dog Training Programs in Providence, RI | A large black and tan dog walks politely at his handler's left side, staring up at her with a smile on his face. His handler holds a leash, clicker, and treats.

We can help you with…

  • Jumping up on people

  • Walking on leash without pulling

  • Coming when called

  • Crate training, including barking in the crate

  • Housebreaking/potty training

  • Stealing food

  • Sit, down, & stay

  • Listening to you around distractions

From Basic to Brilliant

This program starts with an in-depth first appointment with us to create a custom plan just for you, based on your preferences and your dog’s behavior. From there, you’ll meet with us regularly as we guide you through the process of improving your dog’s behavior.

From Basic to Brilliant also includes two months of Flex Classes so that your dog can practice around distractions like other dogs and people. This gives you a safe and fun environment to make sure your dog listens to you wherever life takes you!

This program is typically completed in 2 months with your trainer and includes…

  • An initial consultation to create your dog’s unique training plan
  • Four private lessons to take your dog’s behavior from basic to brilliant!
  • 2 months of access to Flex Classes for practice around other dogs & people
  • Access to our training team between appointments via email for anything that comes up
  • BONUS: Recommended training gear so you don’t need to go shopping elsewhere

Beyond Brilliant

Hit the ground running even faster! This program starts with a Roadmap Call, where we will come up with a plan together for the fastest outcome. This call (which will happen within days of signing up) will give you quick things you can do immediately so living with your dog is easier right away!

From there, we’ll meet with you regularly and coach you through your dog’s custom training plan.

We’ll guide you through teaching your dog to be better behaved in the situations that matter most to you!

This program goes beyond basic manners and listening to you. A special feature about this program is that we have the time to teach you how to play with your dog. This sets you up for a lot more fun with your dog from now on, AND makes training even more effective. We’ll show you how to play games like fetch and tug, done the right way, so it actually IMPROVES your dog’s behavior.

We’ll also be with you for a full year!  You won’t have to worry about your dog’s progress slipping over time. Not only does this program include six months of Flex Classes, so your dog listens to you in the situations that matter most: around other dogs and people…

…you’ll also have a whole year of ongoing support from us, to answer any questions that may arise as you enjoy your new partnership with your dog. We’ll be just an email away!

This program is typically completed in 3 months with your trainer and includes…

  • A roadmap call booked within ten days of enrollment
  • Eight private lessons to make your dog’s behavior beyond brilliant
  • 6 months of access to Flex Classes for practice around other dogs & people*
  • Access to our training team between appointments via email for anything that comes up
  • After program completion, one year of ongoing support*
  • BONUS: Recommended training gear so you don’t need to go shopping elsewhere

*Unlimited Flex Classes for 6 months & 1 year of continued support only available in this program.


From Basic to Brilliant Program:
$1475 + tax
Beyond Brilliant Program:
$2475 + tax

Not sure which basic dog training program is right for you? Contact us – we’re happy to advise you!